Nightcleaners at Greatest Common Factor, SALT Galata Istanbul
The Berwick Street Collective documentary Nightcleaners will be featured in Greatest Common Factor, a film compendium at Istanbul's SALT Galata on February 6 2016. James will be in attendance.
Organized in collaboration with Fol Cinema, Greatest Common Factor will consider and recount moments of political and cultural uncertainty at the end of the 1970s through film screenings and history talks at SALT Galata and SALT Ulus.
While political uncertainty often carries with it hope, expectations of tomorrow prompt visualizations of different states of living. Through the prism of feminist movements Greatest Common Factor looks at youth movements and unionizations that stem from these expectations. The program at SALT is composed of screenings, with talks at SALT Galata, exploring internationalisms in the regions surrounding Turkey.
The films How I Learned to Overcome My Fear and Love Arik Sharon and The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi and 27 Years Without Images track the developments of the Left in the 1970s from a more recent perspective, whereas Bir Gün Mutlaka [Some Day Without Fail] and The Nightcleaners, produced in the 1970s, are of their time.
Curator: Zeynep Öz
All talks and the panel will be in English.
This program is realized with the support of SPOT, Sarar and Hotel Comfort Beige.
The event is free of charge and open the public.